Militia Fest 2010 - August 21, 2010 - Silver Springs! See You There!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

More details will be posted here and on our main web site.

Hand-To-Hand Combat

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Operation Training Wheels: 08-January-2009

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Here we go again. This event is open to everybody who attended the BBQ. If you did not make it to the BBQ but would like to attend, please contact Don Briggs to arrange an in-person meeting as soon as possible.

We will be holding an FTX on the 8th, 9th, and 10th of January. The location will be in the Deltona area, this is a link to the site.

We will be meeting at the site and escorting people in to camp starting at 12 noon and going on through the night. The camp area is a 3/4 mile hike on flat terrain, so anyone should be comfortable getting to base camp.

For this FTX we will be going over...


Picking a Camp Site
Making a Fire
Purifying Water
Camp Security
Noise and Light restriction
Using a Lensatic Compass
Hand to Hand basics
5 Minute bugout from base camp (immediate danger)


Natural Camo and the art of the Surprise
Heavy Woods Movement
Hand Signal and Radio Communications
Night operation
The Two Man Team

We will also have a natural obstacle course for those who would like to try their skill.

If you have a hunting license and WMA stamp we will be hunting for food, and working on fire team tactics Saturday afternoon. You must a have a hunting legal weapon to participate in these exercises (a hand gun qualifies). Here are the rules for the WMA we will be in.

If you are interested and plan on coming please RSVP by email ASAP.


This is a recomened equipment list. Feel free to modify it based upon your requirements. Here are a few guidelines you should keep in mind. This is only my reccomendation. Remember that whatever you bring, you will need to carry in your backpack. Additionaly, remember to always bring a notebook and pencile in a zip-lock bag. You will need this to take notes during classes.

  * You need to provide food, water, clothing and shelter for yourself for the length of the trip.
  * All of your equipment must fit in your backpack, while leaving your arms free.
  * Your total load should not be to heavy for you to carry. Throw your backback on and walk around for an hour.
  * Even in Florida, this is the dead of winter. Be prepaired for COLD and WET
  * You probably can't carry enough water for more than a day. Being able to purify wather is important.
  * Canned food is heavy. Try to eliminate cans if possible.
  * Batteries die in the field. Try to eliminate battery-opperated devices whenever possible
  * Small, light shelters are better than big, heavy shelters
  * Toilet paper is your friend. Personal hygene keeps you healthy.
  * Zip-Lock bags are useful for everything, and very light weight. Carry many of them.

Suggested Equipment, kind of in priority order

  * WATER:   TOP PRIORITY! cantines, or "camel-back" hydration systems. Also a way to sanitize water, if you can
  * SHELTER: A tent or a jungle hammock. Make sure it is small enough that you can carry it on your pack
  * FOOD:    Eating is good. We will be in the woods for 3 days. Try to stick with lighter food. Cans are heavy
  * FIRE:    Fire-sarting tools: Consider flint/steel, waterproof matches, things that will work when wet. Zippo is cheating
  * BLADES:  Pocket knife and/or sheith knife. Good quality and sharp. Extra: Hatchet/Axe, Campsaw, Entrenching Tool
  * LIGHT:   Flashlight, head-lamp, light-sticks. Stay away from lanterns, as they are big, heavy and need fuel
  * MESS KIT: Can be a METAL canteen cup, or a mess kit. Steel is preferred over metal. Fork& spoon are your friends
  * FIRST AID: Basic first aid kit. Bandages, anticeptic,
  * HYGENE:  Toothbrush will keep you healthy. Handi-Wipes, Hand Sanitizer. Lip Balm, anti-Diareah medicine.
  * CLOTHING: Extra socks, underwear, rain gear, gloves, cold-weather coat. Few extra tee shirts

Additional small items (Optional)

  * Rope/550 cord: For building shelter, traps, other things. Too many uses to count.
  * Bouillon cubes: Used to flavor boring/unappealing food. Also nice when it's cold out.
  * Hot Chocolate: Nice little treat after a few days in the woods
  * Whistle, small signaling mirror, candles, extra matches
  * GRMS Radios, Short-wave radio.

Militia-Fest 2009

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Militia-Fest 2009 Photos

Militia-Fest 2009 Photos


Saturday, December 19, 2009


Food on the grill

Militiafest 2009!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Ocala BBQ: Militiafest 2009
Food, Patriots, good friends and the great outdoors. What else is there?

DATE: Saturday, December 19, 2009
TIME: 10:00am - 6:00pm
PLACE: Ocala, FL (Contact me for the exact address)
HOSTED BY: Florida Free Militia
Facebook Group:

Well, it is time that we have a party for everybody to come to. We will be providing hot dogs and hamburgers, and maybe even baked beans. Jeannie will make her famous red potato salad. We will provide soda. We ask that everybody pitch in and bring something, but at least bring yourself. If you like, bring your friends too. Bring strangers that you meet on the way. All are welcome unless you are vampires, socialists or other members of the New World Order. No alcohol, please.

This will be a social event only. There will be no training or physical stress, other than eating and talking. It will be an opportunity for everybody to meet us, meet each other, and get a feeling for who's who. We will be discussing what we are about, and what the militia is about. Come down and listen, talk, or just eat. But by all means come down.

The BBQ will be from on Saturday afternoon. You can either come for the day, or you can camp over. You are welcome to setup a tent in our hosts yard, but there will not be electrical or sewer hookups. Dress warm, as this is an outside event. There will be a bonfire at night. Be advised that the only meal we are planning to provide will be lunch on Saturday. Those of you wishing to stay over should plan for additional meals, should you wish to eat more than one meal that weekend. For those wishing to eat out, there is a wonderful BBQ place right around the corner. The food is very good, but be advised that they only accept cash. We have been known to go there as a group and have a fantastic time.

The Ocala Public Shooting Range is not too far away, and it's free to shoot there. We will be heading there on Sunday morning. Anyone who is still there on Sunday morning is welcome to come with use. Bring your firearms and ammo if you wish to join in. If you wish to shoot, but don't have a firearm, there will be some available for you to borrow.

Again, because firearms will be present, there will be no alcohol allowed at this event. Please respect this request. (Trust me, we are not a bunch of prudes. Just being overly cautious.)

We understand that many of you have no gear, and that is fine. The only thing you are required to bring is your brain, a good attitude, and a sense of humor. We hope that you will bring some type of food too eat, as that will make it more fun. Think of it as an opportunity to demonstrate team participation.

There is no cost for this even, but donations to help cover our costs are always much appreciated.

New Message

Saturday, November 21, 2009


Mobile post sent by ijeannie using Utterlireply-count Replies.

New Message


Mobile post sent by ijeannie using Utterlireply-count Replies.

tea party hats


Mobile post sent by ijeannie using Utterlireply-count Replies.

New Message

Mobile post sent by ijeannie using Utterlireply-count Replies.

New Message


Mobile post sent by ijeannie using Utterlireply-count Replies.

New Message


Mobile post sent by ijeannie using Utterlireply-count Replies.



Mobile post sent by ijeannie using Utterlireply-count Replies.



Mobile post sent by ijeannie using Utterlireply-count Replies.

More vids from the Free Rally

Mobile post sent by ijeannie using Utterlireply-count Replies.

Glenn Beck at the villages

Mobile post sent by ijeannie using Utterlireply-count Replies.

New Message


Mobile post sent by ijeannie using Utterlireply-count Replies.

Glenn beck free rally

Mobile post sent by ijeannie using Utterlireply-count Replies.

New Message


Mobile post sent by ijeannie using Utterlireply-count Replies.

glenn beck - arrived late


Mobile post sent by ijeannie using Utterlireply-count Replies.

We Will Be Reporting Live Here On our Radio Station

We will be reporting live 3-7PM. Right on our radio station.

See our widget on the right.

It's A Simple Answer After All

Friday, November 20, 2009

Patriots, if you are ever feeling discouraged or think that we can never win back America, watch this video!

Glenn Reveals "The Plan" at Free Rally on Saturday - FFM Will Be There!!!!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

See you there:


The Villages, FL

3-7PM Rally & Singing

Market Square Pavilion

FFM on Facebook - Join Our Group

Sunday, October 11, 2009

We have just started a Florida Free Militia Group on Facebook.

Get more information on events, happenings and other Patriot information.

Fee free to share any Patriot news and info you'd like to share.

Florida Free Militia Group:

The First Battle Against The NWO - The Hardin, Montana Story

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Here are more place for tracking the latest on this story:

Alex Jones:
Liberty Tree Radio:

Have any information, updated new, videos or audios regarding the Hardin, Montana story, please feel free to add a link here.

Thank you!
God Bless America!