Operation Training Wheels: 08-January-2009

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Here we go again. This event is open to everybody who attended the BBQ. If you did not make it to the BBQ but would like to attend, please contact Don Briggs to arrange an in-person meeting as soon as possible.

We will be holding an FTX on the 8th, 9th, and 10th of January. The location will be in the Deltona area, this is a link to the site.

We will be meeting at the site and escorting people in to camp starting at 12 noon and going on through the night. The camp area is a 3/4 mile hike on flat terrain, so anyone should be comfortable getting to base camp.

For this FTX we will be going over...


Picking a Camp Site
Making a Fire
Purifying Water
Camp Security
Noise and Light restriction
Using a Lensatic Compass
Hand to Hand basics
5 Minute bugout from base camp (immediate danger)


Natural Camo and the art of the Surprise
Heavy Woods Movement
Hand Signal and Radio Communications
Night operation
The Two Man Team

We will also have a natural obstacle course for those who would like to try their skill.

If you have a hunting license and WMA stamp we will be hunting for food, and working on fire team tactics Saturday afternoon. You must a have a hunting legal weapon to participate in these exercises (a hand gun qualifies). Here are the rules for the WMA we will be in. http://myfwc.com/docs/Brochures/09-10_LakeMonroe.pdf

If you are interested and plan on coming please RSVP by email ASAP.


This is a recomened equipment list. Feel free to modify it based upon your requirements. Here are a few guidelines you should keep in mind. This is only my reccomendation. Remember that whatever you bring, you will need to carry in your backpack. Additionaly, remember to always bring a notebook and pencile in a zip-lock bag. You will need this to take notes during classes.

  * You need to provide food, water, clothing and shelter for yourself for the length of the trip.
  * All of your equipment must fit in your backpack, while leaving your arms free.
  * Your total load should not be to heavy for you to carry. Throw your backback on and walk around for an hour.
  * Even in Florida, this is the dead of winter. Be prepaired for COLD and WET
  * You probably can't carry enough water for more than a day. Being able to purify wather is important.
  * Canned food is heavy. Try to eliminate cans if possible.
  * Batteries die in the field. Try to eliminate battery-opperated devices whenever possible
  * Small, light shelters are better than big, heavy shelters
  * Toilet paper is your friend. Personal hygene keeps you healthy.
  * Zip-Lock bags are useful for everything, and very light weight. Carry many of them.

Suggested Equipment, kind of in priority order

  * WATER:   TOP PRIORITY! cantines, or "camel-back" hydration systems. Also a way to sanitize water, if you can
  * SHELTER: A tent or a jungle hammock. Make sure it is small enough that you can carry it on your pack
  * FOOD:    Eating is good. We will be in the woods for 3 days. Try to stick with lighter food. Cans are heavy
  * FIRE:    Fire-sarting tools: Consider flint/steel, waterproof matches, things that will work when wet. Zippo is cheating
  * BLADES:  Pocket knife and/or sheith knife. Good quality and sharp. Extra: Hatchet/Axe, Campsaw, Entrenching Tool
  * LIGHT:   Flashlight, head-lamp, light-sticks. Stay away from lanterns, as they are big, heavy and need fuel
  * MESS KIT: Can be a METAL canteen cup, or a mess kit. Steel is preferred over metal. Fork& spoon are your friends
  * FIRST AID: Basic first aid kit. Bandages, anticeptic,
  * HYGENE:  Toothbrush will keep you healthy. Handi-Wipes, Hand Sanitizer. Lip Balm, anti-Diareah medicine.
  * CLOTHING: Extra socks, underwear, rain gear, gloves, cold-weather coat. Few extra tee shirts

Additional small items (Optional)

  * Rope/550 cord: For building shelter, traps, other things. Too many uses to count.
  * Bouillon cubes: Used to flavor boring/unappealing food. Also nice when it's cold out.
  * Hot Chocolate: Nice little treat after a few days in the woods
  * Whistle, small signaling mirror, candles, extra matches
  * GRMS Radios, Short-wave radio.